Plants are informational only and do not reflect what we have in stock. Please contact your closest Sloat Garden Center with stock questions.

Rosemary Grevillea

Grevillea rosmarinifolia

  • Red/cream colored blossoms in fall and winter
  • Use as clipped or informal hedge in dry areas
  • Tolerates heat and arid conditions
  • Height: 3 - 6 Feet
  • Spread: 4 - 6 Feet

Interesting Notes:

Use Sloat Forest Mulch Plus and EB Stone Sure Start when planting
Feed lightly. Avoid high phosphorous fertilizers

Characteristics & Attributes for Grevillea rosmarinifolia

Attracts Humming-birds
Attracts Humming-birds
Drought Tolerant
Drought Tolerant
No Fertilizing
No Fertilizing
Deer Resistant
Deer Resistant
Full Sun
Full Sun
Dry Soil
Dry Soil
Rosemary Grevillea | Grevillea rosmarinifolia